!WOOW! From 0 to 8000 followers on Facebook Agrotoys – development of a brand
Agrotoys internet shop is a recognized toys brand established in the summer of 2016. Within the internal project, the purpose was to develop and improve our own skills and knowledge in developing an e-commerce system and building a website, SEO optimization, designing new looks of websites, making a content layout, functioning websites in interaction with users, categorization, import of products, visual design and marketing. Soon after the realization of a web shop, the potential was recognized by the company Vujanović-Klas d.o.o, which took over the store, while Digital Woo is leading the full marketing campaigns, advertisements, other visuals and a blog.
With development of technology we are able to send the right information to a bigger number of people, so we chose Facebook to be our main social communication channel. Since Facebook has all the different options and possibilities, it showed to be the simplest tool to engage the audience.
We started our online business by representing the 3 most recognized brands in Europe that are famous for high quality products and their long-standing German tradition: Bruder, Siku and Rolly Toys. As business has developed and improved, the toy supply expanded to hold the top-quality Klein toys and Peg Perego battery powered vehicles.
The toys we offer for sale demand a precise targeting of audience, for example parents with small children and grandparents. Our goal was to reach those customers although the products were meant to be for children from 2 to 10 years old. The marketing had to be adjusted to the people of right age, targeting the right demographic area we wanted the campaign to take place. That is why we chose Facebook for our marketing campaign, because it has all those advantages.
We care about the interaction with our existing customers and our potential customers, so we invest a lot of effort by commenting, giving compliments and sharing our thoughts with clients. It is visible how much we appreciate and create mutual respect with our customers. Through our great effort we are increasing the number of our followers, starting from zero to 8000. The fast growth allowed the web shop Agrotoys.eu to adjust to its customers, and has led to the point where they can handle big orders in a single day, and the toys get to the customers’ door in 3-4 work days, which contributes to the trust between the buyers and Agrotoys brand.
Various contests, daily posts, introducing the followers with the offer in the shop, promotional items and discounts, a lot of investment in the visual website identity, non-stop interaction and engagement has brought Agrotoys online shop up to 8000 followers. The first project of the brand that we hold dear to our heart, which was a great success, was a beautifully colored “Bruder coloring book”. We wanted to encourage mothers, fathers, grandmothers and children to send us their colored coloring book. The contest was designed by a customized landing page that customers would have to visit in order to download the coloring book, and they would send it back through a form. The goal was to increase the number of visitors to the website and Facebook profile, by making it obligatory to like the Facebook page, posts and visiting the landing page of the shop in order to get the coloring book. We attracted a great number of new followers on Facebook with the Easter promotion “Easter egg hunt” in which we had a picture of a certain toy under each colored egg, while the users could choose the ideal toy for their child, by leaving a tag in a comment and promoting the contest. We created mutual interaction and raised the customer interest in the brand. Through Facebook adds we set the budget, date, targeted audience, placement, optimization, price, location for the certain campaign that we used to get new potential customers, new likes and provide information about the current contests.
We pay special attention to the youngest ones during the holidays, so in that spirit we organized one of the biggest Agrotoys campaigns “Get a gift every week” in which we enticed the users to participate by liking the page on Facebook and tagging at least one person in a comment. Combined with promotional ads, we achieved a great result of the contest and the satisfaction of the customers and everyone included in the campaign. We have sent a little surprise gift with every order during the 12 months.
Agrotoys is an online shop that can compete with bigger and more powerful brands with its quality and prices, so that’s why the policy of Agrotoys is to provide an equally favorable shopping opportunity to its customers. To achieve even lower prices, we planned a promotional discount “Easter rabbit gives you 5%” in which we offered a 5% discount for the toys and through various social channels we achieved our growth and development, and we do not plan to stop there. Through our simple, relaxed and positive way of interaction with the users we are building our character and trying to be approachable to everyone.